Platform: WindowsProducts: Managed Backup (Agent)
Article ID: m2001Last Modified: 16-Oct-2024


Changes properties of an existing MBS admin

		[-AdminID] <String>
		[[-FirstName] <String>]
		[[-LastName] <String>]
		[[-Companies] <String[]>]
		[[-Enabled] <Boolean>]
		[[-Password] <SecureString>]
		[[-ProfileName] <String>]
		[-PermissionsModels] <AdministratorPermission>
		[[-AccessToCompaniesMode] {SpecifiedCompanies | AllCompanies}]
		[[-AccountType] {Undefined | InternalAccount | ExternalAccount}]


Calls the PUT api/Administrators API to edit properties of an existing MBS administrator


Example 1:

PS C:\> Edit-MBSAPIAdministrator -ProfileName ao -AdminID 0b7e0a79-78e9-493e-af72-764f21960b05 -password (ConvertTo-SecureString -force -asplaintext 'Changed') -FirstName admin -LastName adminson -Enabled $true -PermissionsModels (New-MBSAPIAdministratorPermission -EnableUndefinedPermissions) -AccessToCompaniesMode SpecifiedCompanies -Companies 'DemoCompany'

Example 2: Note: If the administrator initially has access to all companies and you want to assign specific companies to him, parameter '-AccessToCompaniesMode SpecifiedCompanies' is needed to be explicitly specified.

PS C:\> Get-MBSAPIAdministrator -ProfileName ao -AdminID 0b7e0a79-78e9-493e-af72-764f21960b05 | Edit-MBSAPIAdministrator -AccessToCompaniesMode SpecifiedCompanies -Companies 'DemoCompany','NewCompany' -ProfileName ao



ID of the admin that you are editing. Use Get-MBSAPIAdministrator to determine

Type String
Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


First Name

Type String
Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Last name

Type String
Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


List of companies the admin should have access to

Type String[]
Required: false
Position: 4
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Whether the admin is to be enabled.

Type Boolean
Required: false
Position: 5
Default value: True
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


The administrator's password.

Type SecureString
Required: false
Position: 6
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Profile name used with MSP360 PowerShell for MBS API (set via Set-MBSApiCredential)

Type String
Required: false
Position: 7
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Permissions for the administrator. Use New-MBSAPIAdministratorPermission to create an object. Valid permissions can be found here:

Type AdministratorPermission
Required: true
Position: 8
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


Assign the administrator to specified companies (in Companies parameter) or to all companies. Accepted values: SpecifiedCompanies, AllCompanies (

Type AccessToCompaniesMode
Required: false
Position: 9
Default value: SpecifiedCompanies
Accept pipeline input: true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: false


If set to 'Internal' then access to an employee inside company is provided. If set to 'External' then access to any third party, such as a customer, is provided. This field can be empty for backward compatibility.

Type AdministratorAccountType
Required: false
Position: 10
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.






Author: MSP360 Onboarding Team