Products: Managed Backup (Agent), Managed Backup (Web), Connect, RMM Agent, Deep Instinct
Article ID: m0408Last Modified: 29-Sep-2024

Best Practices for Backup Agent

Always Test and Install the Latest Agent Versions

Keep Backup Agents installed on users' computers up-to-date. New versions not only contain new and improved features, but also stability, performance, and security enhancements. You can create a new build for the latest version from Downloads, test it in your environment from the sandbox, and once a new release is approved, click the Make Public option so deployed copies of Backup Agent are automatically updated the next time they start a backup or restore.

To make sure automatic updates are enabled, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Management Console, click Downloads.
  2. In the Downloads panel, switch to the Options tab.
  3. Make sure the Allow Automatic Update check box is selected.

Use Cloud Storage for All Important Backups

If you work with regulated data like medical records, sensitive data like legal or accounting, or want to make sure any data you are backing up is using the best security against disaster/malware, then you must back up to the cloud. You can create local backups to a network share and the cloud, in a single pass, using our hybrid backup technology or you can back up directly to the cloud. The cloud helps protect your backups from malware or a bad actor that can easily access your local backups from the network.

Lock Backup Agent with a Master Password

You can also optionally set a master password to allow access to the Backup Agent (this will also restrict access to the underlying Managed Backup APIs from the client). To enable this feature, you need to use the Computers –> Remote Deployment option. Remote Deployments allow you to create a default set of options and backup/restore plans that can be easily applied to one or more computers through Rules. Rules allow you to deploy to a customer, user account, or a specific computer. To enable the option, check Protect Console with a Master Password in the Settings –> General section.

Lock Out Files Deletion on The Backup Agent

The Storage tab of a Backup Agent is the place where most of the metadata is being stored. You can restore files from it with a few clicks. You can also delete data from this tab.

To disable the option, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Settings menu, select Global Agent Options.
  3. In the General group, unselect the ** Allow data deletion in Backup Agent** check box.
  4. Click Save Changes.