Article ID: m0697Last Modified: 19-Feb-2025

Storage Delete (Delete Backup Data from Backup Storage) (CLI 2.0)

As of Backup Agent 4.1 for Linux, a new command line interface (CLI 2.0 or CLI V2) is introduced. CLI 2.0 is a separate command line interface solution that has the enhanced functionality that covers the new backup format requirements.

Note that all actions and settings in the new backup format are supported in the CLI V2 only

To delete backup data from the backup storage, use the storage delete command.

./cbbV2 storage delete --a “Storage account name” --bunch-id “Bunch ID" --generation “Generation ID”  --confirm

Command Parameters


This parameter specifies the storage account ID and one of the following parameters (-i (--account-id) or -a (--account)) is mandatory.

Parameter syntax:

  • -i
  • --account-id Possible values:
  • ID of one of the existing backup storage accounts


This parameter specifies the storage account name, and one of the following parameters (-i (--account-id) or -a (--account)) is mandatory.

Parameter syntax:

  • --account
  • -a

Possible values:

  • Name of one of the existing backup storage accounts


This parameter specifies the ID if the backup data bunch, and one of the following parameters (--bunch-id or -b (--bunch)) is mandatory.

Parameter syntax:

  • --bunch-id

Possible values:

  • ID of one of the existing bunches with backup data ( ID of the directory in the backup storage for specific backup plan, usually this ID usually matches the backup plan ID)


This parameter specifies the name of the backup data bunch, and one of the following parameters (--bunch-id or -b (--bunch)) is mandatory. .

Parameter syntax:

  • -b
  • --bunch

Possible values:

  • Name of one of the existing bunches with backup data in the specific backup storage accounts (name of the directory in the backup storage for specific backup plan, usually named after the backup plan).


This parameter specifies the ID of the packup plan generation.

Possible values:

  • ID of one of the existing generations with backup data in the specific backup storage accounts


Confirms the deletion.

Parameter syntax:

  • -c
  • --confirm

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