New Backup Format in CLI

New backup format and all its features are supported in command line interface along with GUI.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Start CLI

To start using CLI, run the Command Prompt under local administrator permissions.

Next, navigate to a folder where you installed the application. In the example below, the default path is shown.

cd "C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup\"

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Data Listing

To list data on backup storage, use the cbb list command:

cbb list -aid "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"

Command parameters:

  • -a(-aid) Account Name or Account ID Examples:
    • -a "Account Name"
    • -a "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"
    • -aid "AccountName" -aid "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"
  • -p(-prefix) Performs listing using the specified backup prefix
  • -b(-bunch) List bunches (only for the new backup format)
  • -g(-generation) List generation (only for the new backup format)
  • -rp(-restorePoint) List of restore points and plan execution for the specified bunch (only for the new backup format)
  • -d(-directory) Lists directory
  • -f(-file) lists file
  • -path Sets the path to backup content to display while listing. Elements are separated by ''
  • -blp BitLocker password. Sets the BitLocker password for BitLocker-encrypted backups
  • -ep Encryption password. Sets the encryption password
  • -output Output format. Possible values: short, full(default)

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Create File Backup Plan in the New Backup Format

View the example of the backup plan creation command in the bew backup format.

addBackupPlan -nbf -n planName <-a accountName | -aid accountID> -f pathToFile -d directory [-skipf folders] [-useBlockLevelBackup [yes | no]] [-ntfs yes | no] [-s [yes | no]] [-ifm includeFilesMask | -efm excludeFileMask] [-es [yes | no]] [-c [yes | no]] [-ea [AES128-256] -ep password [-sse [yes | no]] [- sia [yes | no]] [-oa date] [[-every [day, week, month, dayofmonth]] [-at specificDateTime] [-day [1..31]] [-weekday listOfWeekDays] [-weeknumber weeknumber] [-repeatEvery repeatPeriod -repeatStartDate startDate]]] [-everyForceFull [day, week, month, dayofmonth]][-atForceFull specificDateTime] [-dayForceFull [1..31]] [-weekdayForceFull listOfWeekDays] [-weeknumberForceFull weeknumber] [-repeatEveryForceFull repeatPeriod -repeatStartDateForceFull startDate]] [-sp [yes | no]] [-df days] [-preAction "command" -pac [yes | no]] [-postAction "command" -paa [yes | no]] [-notification [errorOnly | on | off] [-dr [yes | no]]] [-winLog [errorOnly | on | off]] [-r]

Command parameters:

    • -nbf. Sets new backup format. The parameter has no arguments
  • -a(-aid) Account Name or Account ID Examples:
    • -a "Account Name"
    • -a "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"
    • -aid "AccountName" -aid "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"
  • -n. Sets the plan name
  • -cloneplan(-clone) Clone existing plan. Use this command with the plan name to be cloned.
  • -sync Run consistency check before the plan. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -stopAfter Specify time in HH:MM to stop the plan if it runs for HH hours MM minutes. Example -stopAfter "20:30" or
  • -stopAfter "100:00" etc.
  • -c Enable compression. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -ea Enable AES encryption algorithm. Possible values: AES128-256
  • -ep Specify encryption password
  • -sc Storage Class. This parameter can be applied to Amazon S3 storage accounts only. Possible values: Standard, IntelligentTiering, StandardIA, OneZoneIA, Glacier, GlacierInstantRetrieval, GlacierDeepArchive
  • -sse Use server-side encryption. Possible values: yes, no(default). Note: applies only for Amazon S3 storage
  • -fcCheck Use full consistency check. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -preAction Specify command or scipt to be executed before the backup plan runs
  • -pac Specify to continue backup plan if a pre-backup action fails. Possible values: yes, no
  • -postAction Specify command or script to be executed after backup is completed
  • -paa Execute a post-backup action in any case (regardless the backup plan result). Possible values: yes, no
  • -chainPlanOn(-cpOn) Forms the backup chain: as the current plan completes, runs the next specified plan. Plan name or plan ID can equally be an argument. Example: -cpOn "Chained plan name" or -cpOn 60aa5605-915c-4e2d-9c6d-470d6127a8d5
  • -chanPlanOff(-cpOff) Unchains the chained plan. Example: -cpOff
  • -chainPlanAfterSuccess(-cpAS) Executes the chained plan only if the current plan is completed successfully. Possible values: yes, no(default). Example: -cpAS yes
  • -chainPlanForceFull(-cpFF) Forces full backup for the chained plan. Possible values: yes, no(default). Example: -cpFF no
  • -notification Specify notification settings for the backup plan. Note that if the the notification is turned on, notification settings must be configured. To configure notification settings, refer to 'cbb.exe notificationSettings /?' command for details. Possible values: errorOnly, on, off
  • -subject(-notificationSubject). Specify notification subject that will be in a notification message title
  • -winLog Add entry to Windows Event Log when backup plan fails(errorOnly) or in all cases(on). Possible values: errorOnly, on, off
  • -purge Purge versions that are older than period (except the latest version). Possible values: no, 1d(day), 1w(week), 1m(month)
  • -runMissed Run missed scheduled backup plan immediately when the computer starts up. Possible values: Yes, No
  • -fastNtfs The Fast NTFS scan speeds up backup processing by using a low-level API for accessing NTFS structures. This option is useful for NTFS volumes with a large number of files. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -ntfs Back up NTFS permissions
  • -vss Force using VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service). Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -keepEfsEncryption Back up EFS files as encrypted. Possible values: yes, no(default).
  • -sharerw Use share read/write mode on errors. This can help if a file is open in share read/write mode. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -f Back up file(-s)
  • -d Back up a directory
  • -rf Excludes a file from a backup dataset. Example: -rf "C:\swapfile.sys" -rf "C:\pagefile.sys"
  • -rd Excludes a directory from a backup dataset. Example: -rd "C:\Windows\Temp"
  • -df Delete files that have been deleted locally after specified number of days. Example: "-df 30". Note: this parameter is not compatible with the new backup format.
  • -bef Back up empty folders. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -oa Backup files only after specific date. Example: 11.08.2022 16:17
  • -es Except system and hidden files. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -skipf Skip folders. Example: -skipfolder "bin;temp;My*"
  • -ifm Select files by mask to include in the backup plan. Example: -ifm ".doc;.xls"
  • -efm Select files by mask to exclude from the backup plan. Example: -efm ".bak;.tmp"
  • -iepnf Ignore 'path nor found' errors. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -every Specify schedule recurring type. Possible values: day, week, month, dayofmonth, real-time. Note: possible values for the new backup format: day, month, dayofmonth
  • -at Specify datetime or time of schedule. Example: -at "11.08.2022 16:17" , or -at "16:17" for every day schedule
  • -day Specify day for 'dayofmonth' schedule (1..31)
  • -weekday listOfWeekDays. Specify day(s) of week for weekly schedule. Example: "su, mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa". Or specify day of week for monthly schedule
  • -weeknumber Specify number of week First, Second, Third, Fourth, Penultimate, Last
  • -dailyFrom Specify daily recurring from value
  • -dailyTill Specify daily recurring till value
  • -occurs Specify recurring period type. Possible values: hour, min
  • -occurValue Specify recurring period value
  • -repeatEvery Specify repeat period value. Possible values: 1..31
  • -repeatStartDate Specify start date when recurring backup plan schedule is on
  • -everyForceFull Specify force full schedule recurring type. Possible values: day, week, month, dayofmonth. Note: possible values for the new backup format: day, month, dayofmonth
  • -dayForceFull Specify day for 'dayofmonth' force full schedule (1..31)
  • -weekdayForceFull listOfWeekDays. Specify day(s) of week for weekly force full schedule. Example: "su, mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa". Or specify day of week for monthly force full schedule
  • -repeatEveryForceFull Specify force full repeat period value. Possible values: 1..31
  • -repeatStartDateForceFull Specify force full start date when recurring backup plan schedule is on
  • -output Output format. Possible values: short, full(default)

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Edit Backup Plan in the New Backup Format

View the example of the editing the backup plan command in the bew backup format.

editBackupPlan -nbf -n planName <-a accountName | -aid accountID> -f pathToFile -d directory [-skipf folders] [-useBlockLevelBackup [yes | no]] [-ntfs yes | no] [-s [yes | no]] [-ifm includeFilesMask | -efm excludeFileMask] [-es [yes | no]] [-c [yes | no]] [-ea [AES128-256] -ep password [-sse [yes | no]] [- sia [yes | no]] [-oa date] [[-every [day, week, month, dayofmonth]] [-at specificDateTime] [-day [1..31]] [-weekday listOfWeekDays] [-weeknumber weeknumber] [-repeatEvery repeatPeriod -repeatStartDate startDate]]] [-everyForceFull [day, week, month, dayofmonth]][-atForceFull specificDateTime] [-dayForceFull [1..31]] [-weekdayForceFull listOfWeekDays] [-weeknumberForceFull weeknumber] [-repeatEveryForceFull repeatPeriod -repeatStartDateForceFull startDate]] [-sp [yes | no]] [-df days] [-preAction "command" -pac [yes | no]] [-postAction "command" -paa [yes | no]] [-notification [errorOnly | on | off] [-dr [yes | no]]] [-winLog [errorOnly | on | off]] [-r]

Command parameters:

    • -nbf. Sets new backup format. The parameter has no arguments
  • -a(-aid) Account Name or Account ID Examples:
    • -a "Account Name"
    • -a "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"
    • -aid "AccountName" -aid "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018"
  • -n. Sets the plan name
  • -cloneplan(-clone) Clone existing plan. Use this command with the plan name to be cloned.
  • -sync Run consistency check before the plan. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -stopAfter Specify time in HH:MM to stop the plan if it runs for HH hours MM minutes. Example -stopAfter "20:30" or
  • -stopAfter "100:00" etc.
  • -c Enable compression. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -ea Enable AES encryption algorithm. Possible values: AES128-256
  • -ep Specify encryption password
  • -sc Storage Class. This parameter can be applied to Amazon S3 storage accounts only. Possible values: Standard, IntelligentTiering, StandardIA, OneZoneIA, Glacier, GlacierInstantRetrieval, GlacierDeepArchive
  • -sse Use server-side encryption. Possible values: yes, no(default). Note: applies only for Amazon S3 storage
  • -fcCheck Use full consistency check. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -preAction Specify command or scipt to be executed before the backup plan runs
  • -pac Specify to continue backup plan if a pre-backup action fails. Possible values: yes, no
  • -postAction Specify command or script to be executed after backup is completed
  • -paa Execute a post-backup action in any case (regardless the backup plan result). Possible values: yes, no
  • -chainPlanOn(-cpOn) Forms the backup chain: as the current plan completes, runs the next specified plan. Plan name or plan ID can equally be an argument. Example: -cpOn "Chained plan name" or -cpOn 60aa5605-915c-4e2d-9c6d-470d6127a8d5
  • -chanPlanOff(-cpOff) Unchains the chained plan. Example: -cpOff
  • -chainPlanAfterSuccess(-cpAS) Executes the chained plan only if the current plan is completed successfully. Possible values: yes, no(default). Example: -cpAS yes
  • -chainPlanForceFull(-cpFF) Forces full backup for the chained plan. Possible values: yes, no(default). Example: -cpFF no
  • -notification Specify notification settings for the backup plan. Note that if the the notification is turned on, notification settings must be configured. To configure notification settings, refer to 'cbb.exe notificationSettings /?' command for details. Possible values: errorOnly, on, off
  • -subject(-notificationSubject). Specify notification subject that will be in a notification message title
  • -winLog Add entry to Windows Event Log when backup plan fails(errorOnly) or in all cases(on). Possible values: errorOnly, on, off
  • -purge Purge versions that are older than period (except the latest version). Possible values: no, 1d(day), 1w(week), 1m(month)
  • -runMissed Run missed scheduled backup plan immediately when the computer starts up. Possible values: Yes, No
  • -fastNtfs The Fast NTFS scan speeds up backup processing by using a low-level API for accessing NTFS structures. This option is useful for NTFS volumes with a large number of files. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -ntfs Back up NTFS permissions
  • -vss Force using VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service). Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -keepEfsEncryption Back up EFS files as encrypted. Possible values: yes, no(default).
  • -sharerw Use share read/write mode on errors. This can help if a file is open in share read/write mode. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -f Back up file(-s)
  • -d Back up a directory
  • -rf Excludes a file from a backup dataset. Example: -rf "C:\swapfile.sys" -rf "C:\pagefile.sys"
  • -rd Excludes a directory from a backup dataset. Example: -rd "C:\Windows\Temp"
  • -df Delete files that have been deleted locally after specified number of days. Example: "-df 30". Note: this parameter is not compatible with the new backup format.
  • -bef Back up empty folders. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -oa Backup files only after specific date. Example: 11.08.2022 16:17
  • -es Except system and hidden files. Possible values: yes(default), no
  • -skipf Skip folders. Example: -skipfolder "bin;temp;My*"
  • -ifm Select files by mask to include in the backup plan. Example: -ifm ".doc;.xls"
  • -efm Select files by mask to exclude from the backup plan. Example: -efm ".bak;.tmp"
  • -iepnf Ignore 'path nor found' errors. Possible values: yes, no(default)
  • -every Specify schedule recurring type. Possible values: day, week, month, dayofmonth, real-time. Note: possible values for the new backup format: day, month, dayofmonth
  • -at Specify datetime or time of schedule. Example: -at "11.08.2022 16:17" , or -at "16:17" for every day schedule
  • -day Specify day for 'dayofmonth' schedule (1..31)
  • -weekday listOfWeekDays. Specify day(s) of week for weekly schedule. Example: "su, mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa". Or specify day of week for monthly schedule
  • -weeknumber Specify number of week First, Second, Third, Fourth, Penultimate, Last
  • -dailyFrom Specify daily recurring from value
  • -dailyTill Specify daily recurring till value
  • -occurs Specify recurring period type. Possible values: hour, min
  • -occurValue Specify recurring period value
  • -repeatEvery Specify repeat period value. Possible values: 1..31
  • -repeatStartDate Specify start date when recurring backup plan schedule is on
  • -everyForceFull Specify force full schedule recurring type. Possible values: day, week, month, dayofmonth. Note: possible values for the new backup format: day, month, dayofmonth
  • -dayForceFull Specify day for 'dayofmonth' force full schedule (1..31)
  • -weekdayForceFull listOfWeekDays. Specify day(s) of week for weekly force full schedule. Example: "su, mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa". Or specify day of week for monthly force full schedule
  • -repeatEveryForceFull Specify force full repeat period value. Possible values: 1..31
  • -repeatStartDateForceFull Specify force full start date when recurring backup plan schedule is on
  • -output Output format. Possible values: short, full(default)

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Keep EFS Encryption in Backup

The new backup format features the possibility of backing up EFS-encrypted files 'as is', in their encrypted state.

To back up EFS-encrypted files in encrypted stste, use the -keepEfsEncryption parameter. The parameter has two values:

  • yes. Set this value to back up EFS-encrypted files encrypted
  • no. Set this value to decrypt EFS-encrypted files first and only then back up to a storage


addBackupPlan -a "myAWS" -n "EFS Backup to S3" -d "C:\EFS\files"-efsEncrypted yes 

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Assign GFS Retention Policy

To assign GFS retention policy, use the addbackupplan or editbackuplan(or appropriate commands to create or edit a backup plan of required type (image-based, VMware, Hyper-V) commands with the following parameters:

  • -gfsW(-gfsWeekly) Enables GFS weekly storage type. Possible values: 1-100000. Example: -gfsW N or -gfsWeekly N, where N is the number of weeks the full backup in GFS retention is kept
  • -gfsM(-gfsMonthly) Enables GFS monthly storage type. Possible values: 1-10000. Example: -gfsM N or -gfsMonthly N, where N is the number of months the full backup in GFS retention is kept
  • -gfsY(-gfsYearly) Enables GFS yearly storage type. Possible values: 1-1000. Example: -gfsY N or -gfsYearly N, where N is the number of years the full backup in GFS retention is kept
  • -gfsYMonth(-gfsYearlyMonth) Specify the number of month for the first successful GFS full backup for yearly storage type. Possible values: 1-12


cbb editbackupplan -n "My GFS settings" -aid "AccountName" -aid "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018" -gfsW 3 -gfsM 2 -gfsY 2

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Enable Object Lock (Immutability)

To to enable the Object Lock (Immutability0 feature, use the addbackupplan or editbackuplan(or appropriate commands to create or edit a backup plan of required type (image-based, VMware, Hyper-V) commands with the following parameters:

  • -Immutability(-im) Enable immutability. Immutability must be used with enabled GFS policy and must be approved with additional parameter(-confirmenablingimmutability). Possible values: true, false(default). Note: this parameter can be applied with the new backup format only.
  • -confirmenablingimmutability Parameter that confirms enabling immutability. The parameter does not have values. Must be used with the -Immutability parameter. Note: this parameter can be applied with the new backup format only.


cbb editbackupplan -n "Immutable data" -aid "AccountName" -aid "e472e308-5afd-4f1f-855b-8e7bb4a80018" -im -confirmenablingimmutability

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