
Backup files/folders to cloud storage.

		[-StorageAccount] <StorageAccount>
		[[-MasterPassword] <SecureString>]
		[[-BackupOnlyAfter] <DateTime>]
		[[-ExcludeSystemHiddenFiles] <Boolean>]
		[[-SkipFolder] <String[]>]
		[[-IncludeFilesMask] <String[]>]
		[[-ExcludeFilesMask] <String[]>]
		[[-BackupFile] <String[]>]
		[[-BackupDirectory] <String[]>]
		[[-UseServerSideEncryption] <Boolean>]
		[[-EncryptionAlgorithm] {AES128 | AES192 | AES256}]
		[[-EncryptionPassword] <SecureString>]
		[[-UseCompression] <Boolean>]
		[[-StorageClass] {Standard | IntelligentTiering | StandardIA | OneZoneIA | Glacier | GlacierInstantRetrieval | GlacierDeepArchive}]


Backup files/folders to cloud storage. The action does not allow schedule, pre/post actions or notifications.


Example 1: Backup specified folders and files with default settings.

PS C:\> Backup-MBSFile -StorageAccount (Get-MBSStorageAccount -ID 7ce9c81a-b305-49cf-814e-8d9c6c7333ab) -BackupDirectory C:\MyFolder -BackupFile 'C:\MyFolder2\Document1.txt', 'C:\MyFolder2\Document2.txt'



Specify storage account object. Use Get-MBSStorageAccount cmdlet to list storages. Example: (Get-MBSStorageAccount -Name "AWS S3")

Type StorageAccount
Required: true
Position: 1
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Master password. Should be specified if configuration is protected by master password. Use -MasterPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -string "Your_Password -AsPlainText -Force)

Type SecureString
Required: false
Position: 2
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Use fast scan on NTFS file systems when possible

Type SwitchParameter
Required: false
Position: named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Force using VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service).

Type SwitchParameter
Required: false
Position: named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Use share read/write mode on errors. Can help if file is open in share read/write mode.

Type SwitchParameter
Required: false
Position: named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Backup empty folders

Type SwitchParameter
Required: false
Position: named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Backup files only after specific date. Example: "06/09/19 7:43 AM"

Type DateTime
Required: false
Position: 3
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Exclude system and hidden files from backup plan.

Type Boolean
Required: false
Position: 4
Default value: True
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Skip folders. Example: -skipfolder ""bin,temp,My*""

Type String[]
Required: false
Position: 5
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Include files mask. Example: -IncludeFilesMask "".doc,.xls""

Type String[]
Required: false
Position: 6
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Exclude files mask. Example: -ExcludeFilesMask "".bak,.tmp""

Type String[]
Required: false
Position: 7
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Backup file path. Example: "c:\temp\test.txt","c:\temp\test.ps1"

Type String[]
Required: false
Position: 8
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Backup directory path. Example: "c:\Work","c:\Users"

Type String[]
Required: false
Position: 9
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Use server side encryption (valid only for Amazon S3).

Type Boolean
Required: false
Position: 10
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Encryption algorithm. Possible values: AES128-256

Type EncryptionAlgorithm
Required: false
Position: 11
Default value: AES256
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Encryption password. Use -EncryptionPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -string "Your_Password" -AsPlainText -Force)

Type SecureString
Required: false
Position: 12
Default value:
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Use compression for backup

Type Boolean
Required: false
Position: 13
Default value: True
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


Storage Class (valid only for Amazon S3)

Type StorageClass
Required: false
Position: 14
Default value: Standard
Accept pipeline input: false
Accept wildcard characters: false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.






Author: MSP360 Onboarding Team