Restore Image-Based Backup as EC2 Instance in Management Console

Management Console currently does not support restoring the disk image backups in new backup format to Amazon EC2. Use the Backup Agent to perform this operation.

Restore Legacy Image-Based Backups to AWS EC2 Instance

The Restore to EC2 VM feature is currently provided as-is and enabled by request only. Due to limitations imposed by AWS/Azure and the unique characteristics of each cloud provider, we do not have complete control over the system stability and performance in all scenarios. If you intend to utilize this feature for real disaster recovery restores, we strongly recommend conducting thorough testing beforehand. Make sure you verify its functionality in your environment, specifically under presumed disaster recovery scenarios, and ensure that the results align with your and your customers' Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) before initiating the production restore

Note that you must have the Restore to EC2 VM feature enabled in Management Console. This feature can be enabled by request. To send a request, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Settings menu, select Global Agent Options.
  3. Find the Restore to EC2 / Azure VM option group, then click Send Request.

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. On Backup select Restore to Cloud (or Computers > Restore to Cloud if you are using legacy menu).
  3. Click Restore to EC2 option

  1. As the restore wizard opens, specify the data source parameters:
  • Plan Name. The plan name is displayed on the Restore to cloud dashboard
  • User. Select the user with backup data (disk image) to restore
  • Destination. Select the backup destination that contains the required backup data
  • Computer. Select the computer (prefix) containing the data to be restored.
  • Point in Time. Select the backup version that is to be restored

Note that for the following backup destinations: any local or shared folders, LAN-only Minio, FTP, SFTP, S3-Compatible, and OpenStack applications for NAS, intranet OpenStack clusters restore via temporary instance is impossible

  1. Click Next.

  2. Specify storage disk partitions to restore. As you are done, click Next.

  1. Specify the target instance parameters:

  • AWS Account. The account under which a new EC2 instance will be stored
  • AWS Region. The region that is to store the newly created EC2 instance
  • Temp Destination. Storage destination to store temporary disk for VM import. Use + to create new bucket, if necessary.
  • Instance Type. The type of instance required. Learn more about EC2 instance types here
  • Subnet. Select one of the subnets available. Learn more about EC2 subnets here
  • Security Group. Select the default security group or the custom one you created yourself.

Click Next.

  1. Specify encryption password if you have encrypted objects. Consider, there is no password validation on this step. In case of wrong password, the restire will fail.

  1. Review all settings specified across the restore wizard and ensure that they are accurate. Click Save and Run to execute the restore to an EC2 instance.

If you click Save, the plan will be saved on the main dashboard wherefrom you'll be able to manually execute it.

Restore Progress

During plan execution, you can follow the progress on the Restore to cloud dashboard.

Manage EC2 Instance

You can access and manage the instance from Amazon web console.

In case you have Backup or Restore Agent on restored EC2 instance you also can use the Remote Management or Backup > Computers tab in the same way you usually manage your regular computers.