Products: Managed Backup (Agent), Managed Backup (Web)
Article ID: m0244Last Modified: 23-Nov-2024

Storage Limit for Company

Managed Backup provides the feature of a separate storage limit management for companies. This feature allows you to limit the total backup size for a particular company.

To manage this feature, the Backup > Storage Limits permission should be granted as the administrator permission on Organization > Administrators.

The company storage limit restricts the total size of backups across all users inside the company. As the storage limit is exceeded, a backup fails with an error: Company storage limit exceeded

This chapter covers the following topics:

The storage limit for trial licenses might be limited. To change this limit you need to purchase a commercial license

Create New Company with Storage Limit

To Create a New Company

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Organization menu, select Companies item.
  3. Click Add Company.

  1. Specify the company name, then click Create.
  2. Once the new company is created, on the General tab, the Use Storage Limit option appears.
  3. Select the Use Storage Limit check box, then specify the storage limit value in gigabytes.

  1. Click Save.

If the user has assigned a storage limit, it always prevails over the company storage limit applied to this user.

To learn more about managing companies, refer to Companies chapter

Add New Storage Limit for Existing Company

To Add a New Storage Limit for Existing Company

  1. Open the Management Console.

  2. In the Organization menu, select the Companies item.

  3. In the companies grid, find the one you want to apply the storage limit, then click Edit.

  4. Switch to the General tab.

  5. Select the Use Storage Limit check box.

  6. In the field below, specify the storage limit value in Gigabytes.

  7. Click Save.

Edit Storage Limit for Company

To Edit the Storage Limit

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Organization menu, select the Companies item.
  3. In the companies list, find the one you want to edit the storage limit, then click Edit.
  4. Switch to the General tab.
  5. Select the Use Storage Limit check box, specify the new value of the storage limit.
  6. Click Save.

Delete the Storage Limit for Company

To Delete the Storage Limit

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Organization menu, select the Companies item.
  3. In the companies list, find the one you want to edit the storage limit, then click Edit.
  4. Switch to the General tab.
  5. Clear the Use Storage Limit check box.
  6. Click Save. This storage limit will no longer be applied to all users included in the company.