License Usage Report

The License Usage Report provides detailed information about license usage. The report layout may vary slightly depending on your payment mode.

Report Table Details

The report includes the following data:

  • License type:
    • Ultimate
    • Desktop
    • MS SQL Server
    • MS Exchange
    • MSSQL + MSExchange
    • VM Server
    • VM Servet Socket
    • Microsoft 365 / Google Workspace
  • Endpoint (computer name or email address/domain for Microsoft 365 / Google Workspace Backup )
  • Company name
  • User account data
  • Trial or paid license type
  • Date of license activation
  • Date of license expiration
  • Days of license usage

View Report

To view the License Usage Report:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Reporting menu, select License Usage to view the report.

You can filter the reports by company or by license type. Use the Search control to find the report by a search expression.

To export the report as a CSV file, click the Export button.