Platform: AndroidProducts: Managed Backup (Agent), Managed Backup (Web), RMM Agent, MSP Control (Android)
Article ID: m0374Last Modified: 14-Nov-2024

MSP Control Mobile App (Android)

MSP Control is a mobile application designed to manage backup and restore routines without accessing Management Console straight from your mobile device.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Key Features

MSP Control for Android key features are:

  • Remote monitoring of users' computers
  • Remote backup/restore plan execution
  • Enhanced 2FA management
  • Receiving push notifications for alerts and events if enabled

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Install MSP Control

To install the MSP Control application, proceed as follows:

  1. In Google Play, find the MSP Control (for Android).
  2. Tap Install.

  1. Android installs the application automatically. As the installation completes, tap Open.

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Log In

You can log in using two options:

  • Provide the email address and password you use to authenticate in Managed Backup
  • Scan the QR code (it is shown in the Management Console)

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View the event notifications in your MSP Control application.

To view notifications, tap the bell icon in the application.

To get the details of the event, tap it.

View Computers

You can perform some basic actions with your users' computers.

To manage computers and their backup/restore routines, tap the computer icon in the application.

Users' computers are grouped by company. Find the required company in the list, then find the computer to view and manage.

You can view the computer's backup and restore history (failed and successful plans are displayed with different colors). To view the plan details, tap it: the expanded page contains comprehensive information on the plan.

For example, the detailed plan information on file backup contains the following data:

  • Plan status
  • Plan type
  • Storage account
  • Last run
  • Plan duration
  • Last result (success, error message, or warning)
  • Number of files backed up
  • Number of failed files
  • Number of copied files
  • Copied size
  • Backup size
  • Total size
  • Date and time of the next plan start

Run Plan

With MSP Control, you can run the backup/restore plan on the user's computer at any time. Tap the computer icon, find the required computer, then find the required plan in the list, then tap the play icon.

The plan results appear in the Notifications section as the plan is completed.

View Computer State

You can check the health of the computer. To do this, find the required computer, tap it, then tap the Advanced tab.

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Manage 2FA Actions

If you use the MSP Control application for 2FA purposes, the notifications on the events on Managed Backup will appear on the screen of the device on which the application is installed. To confirm or reject the action, unlock the device.

Open MSP Control, tap the bell icon, find the required notification, then select whether to approve the action or reject it.

As you confirm the action, the mobile application sends a confirmation to the Management Console, and the action is allowed for execution. If no confirmation arrives, the rejection message is sent to the Management Console and is written to the Audit Log.

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Add New 2FA Device

You can several devices in the device list for notification purposes (for 2FA confirmations, only one device is allowed). To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Settings menu, select General.
  3. In the right pane, find the device list. As you enable 2FA for the first time, it is empty.

  1. Click Add New Device.
  2. Proceed with adding your device with the installed MSP Control as described in the Add New Device dialog.
  3. Open the MSP Control, proceed with automatic authentication, or scan the QR code.
  4. Confirm the action with the device you use for 2FA confirmations.

If you use more than one device for 2FA purposes, refer to the Manage Devices chapter

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Application Settings

Configure the application settings. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Open MSP Control.
  2. Tap the gear icon.

  1. Configure the application settings:
    • Biometric authentication. Enable it if your device supports fingerprint authentication and you use it
    • Notification mode. In this group, you can specify the category of notifications you want to receive (2FA confirmation requests arrive regardless of this setting)
    • Keep logged in. Enable this option to keep the application logged in on a constant basis. Keep in mind that for some security purposes, it can be dangerous
    • Scan QR Code. Use this option to authenticate with QR code scanning
    • Help. Use this option to access product documentation.
    • Send feedback. In case of inquiries or issues, tap this option to send an email with the description of the problem. The email will automatically contain attached application logs to figure out the issue and fix it.

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