Manage Computers

This article covers the following:

Remote Management Options (New Enhanced User Experience)

You have the following computer management options:

  • Computers page in the new main menu
  • RMM > Computers page in the new main menu. New enhanced main menu introduces this separate page where you can see the computers with the RMM Agent installed. New menu is available for all new users and on demand for existing users. Contact the Support Team if you have the legacy menu and want to try a new one.
  • Backup > Computers page in the new main menu. New enhanced main menu introduces this separate page where you can see the computers with the Backup Agent installed. New menu is available for all new users and on demand for existing users. Contact the Support Team if you have the legacy menu and want to try a new one.
  • Computers > Remote Management in the legacy main menu

To access the Remote Management tools, proceed as follows:

  • Open Computers to manage all computers.

  • Open Backup > Computers to manage all computers where Backup Agent is installed

  • Open RMM > Computers to manage all computers where RMM Agent is installed

Refer to Add Computer to Remote Management and Manage Computers (Enhanced User Experience) for details on how to manage computers.

Add Computer to Remote Management

To add a computer, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console as a provider or an administrator who can manage the company that will contain the computer or all companies.
  2. On the Computers click Add Computer.

Proceed with Add Computer wizard as described below

Prepare Configuration to Add Computer

  1. On the Pre-Configuration step, select the MSP360 product to install on the computer. Later you can add other products, if you want.

  1. Select the operating system of the computer.
  2. Select the company you are planning to add this computer to. Expand the Company to select one of the existing companies or to create a new one. To add an existing company, click on the company name.

To create a new company click Add New Company and specify the new company name. You can configure your new company later as described in Companies.

  1. Click Next to select the installation method.

Select Installation Method to Add Computer

On this step you can select the installation method. You can perform downloading and installation manually with Download and install manually or use beta version of Discover and Deploy tool with Scan network and install agents on bulk.

Download and install manually

  1. Select the package to install on the computer. In case there are no generated builds, click Generate after the build you are going to install. Wait while the build will be generated for you. By default, the public build is suggested to be installed. You can see the newest version of the product and can make it public by the Make Public button. As soon as the newest version becomes public it will be available for all users. In case you already have generated builds and the Enable Sandbox option for the download panel is enabled, you can add the newest version to your sandbox to test it before making it public. To add the newest version to sandbox, click the Make Sandbox button.

You can copy the installation script to execute it on the added computer or copy the link to download. To perform these operations use the actions next to the Download button.

  1. Download and install the package on the target computer. To perform these operations use the actions next to the Download button. To install this script on the target computer, run PowerShell with administrator priveleges, then execute the copied script. This computer, except for computers that are already included in another company, will be included to the specified company. In case the installation script will be executed on a computer that is already included in another company, Agent will be installed, but the original company remains unchanged.
  2. Click Next. On the Post Installation step you will see the instructions on how to complete the procedure.

Note, in some cases you will need to refresh the Computers page to see the new computers. Use the Pending filter to quickly find added, but not yet authorized computers. You should authorize the computer before you will be able to manage it. Close the wizard if all required build are downloaded. The Backup Agent must be installed in the default location.

Scan the network and install agents in bulk.

  1. Download and install the Discover and Deploy tool package on the target computer.

You can copy the installation script to execute it on the added computer or copy the link to download. To perform these operations use the actions next to the Download button.

  1. Click Next. On the Post Installation step you will see the instructions on how to complete the procedure.

Refer to the Discover and Deploy chapter for instructions on how to scan your environment and install Agents.

Note, in some cases you will need to refresh the Computers page to see the new computers. Use the Pending filter to quickly find added, but not yet authorized computers. You should authorize the computer before you will be able to manage it. Close the wizard if all required agent versions are downloaded. The Backup Agent must be installed in the default location.

Authorize Computers

Once the selected Agent is installed on the computer, refresh the Computers page to see the new computers. Use the Pending filter to quickly find added, but not yet authorized computers.

  1. On the Computers grid find the computers that require authorization using the Pending filter.

  1. Click Authorize action item. For a single computer in the Company & User Account column, click Authorization required.

  1. Select or create a new company to add the computer. In case you create a new company you can configure the new company later. Now you only set a name for the new company.

You can manually associate the computer with the user with Manually assign user account (Advanced).

It is not recommended to use the provider account for backup purposes. Consider, if the same account is assigned to multiple computers, these computers will share the same backup destinations and backup data access will also be shared between these computers

If you select a specific user, the selected user should be enabled. Check the user status on the Organization > Users.

Manage Computers (New User Experience)

Searching and Filtering

To find the required computer in the list, proceed as follows:

With a large number of computers, use search and filtering. You can assign tags to computers to create independent groups across the companies. You can find the required computer by the following search categories:

  • OS. Search for a computer with a specific operation system
  • Computer status. Filter computers by statuses (Online, Offline, Pending)
  • IP. Search for a computer by IP address
  • Tag. Filter computers by assigned tags
  • Product installed. Search for a computer by installed Agent
  • Product not installed. Search for a computer on which specific Agent is not installed
  • Restore status. Search for a computer by restore plan status
  • Backup status. Search for a computer by backup plan status.

To search for computers associated with a specific company, use the Companies filter.

With a large number of managed computers, set up the number of computers to display on one page.

Use the following filters:

  • Pending. Computers that require authorization.
  • Unsupported Versions. Computers where outdated Backup or RMM Agents are used.

Backup Agent

  • Warning. Computers with Backup/Restore Plans with warnings.
  • Failed. Computers with failed Backup/Restore Plans
  • Overdue. Computers with Backup/Restore Plans in Overdue status


  • Problem. Computers with problems detected by RMM Agent.
  • Warning. Computers with warnings detected by RMM Agent.

Computer Statuses

The following statuses are available for managed computers:

  • Online. Managed computers are online, if an Agent installed on this computer can interact with the Management Console.
  • Offline. Managed computers are offline, if an Agent installed on this computer cannot interact with the Management Console. Backup plans cannot be performed for offline computers.
  • Pending. Added computer has pending status unless it is not authorized.

Available actions for a selected online computer:

Also by means of Connect button you can access remote computers with Connect. This feature is available using desktop applications or web browsers and requires licensing.

Available actions for offline computers:

  • Assign license or change a license. This functionality requires the latest version of Backup Agents installed on the offline computers and allowed offline editing.
  • As of Management Console 6.9.2 backup plans in the new backup format can be edited offline. This functionality is available in beta version on demand.
  • Add/remove tags
  • Turn computer on or wake up from sleep mode, hibernation, or shutdown using Wake-on-LAN (WOL)
  • Change account associated with the computer with Edit > Edit Account
  • Change file backup system account with Edit > Edit file backup system account
  • Change Administrative account with Edit > Change Service Account
  • [Change Network credentials to access network shares with Edit > Edit Network Credentials
  • Edit Backup Agent options with Edit > Edit Options
  • Forcible Update and Uninstalling Backup / RMM Agent
  • Create a support case
  • Hide computer from the list with Hide (from all lists)
  • Uninstall applications
  • Delete Computer

Available RMM group actions for computers on the separate RMM > Computers page:

  • Force Update for Computers. Forcibly update Backup, RMM, or Connect agent instances
  • Apply Configurations to Computers. Deploy backup configurations
  • Plan Settings Report. Retrieve backup plan information in CSV format
  • Install Backup on Computers. Install Backup Agent instances
  • Install RMM on Computers. Install RMM agent instances
  • Export to CSV. Export information on computers to a CSV file
  • Show Hidden Computers. View computers that were hidden from the list
  • New Group Action Task. Run RMM Group Actions wizard

Available Group Actions on separate Backup > Computers page:

  • Force Update for Computers. Forcibly update Backup, RMM, or Connect agent instances
  • Plan Settings Report. Retrieve backup plan information in CSV format
  • Install Backup on Computers. Install Backup Agent instances
  • Install RMM on Computers. Install RMM agent instances
  • Export to CSV. Export information on computers to a CSV file
  • Show Hidden Computers. View computers that were hidden from the list.

Allow Offline Backup Plan Management

You can create, edit, or delete backup plans in new backup format on the computers that are currently offline. Once the computer becomes online, all changes will be applied. This feature is available in beta version and requires Backup Agent version 7.9.3 for Windows. To allow offline editing, refer to Allow Offline Editing.

Group Actions for Selected Computers

You can select multiple computers to apply group actions for them. The following group actions are available:

  • Add Tags. Adds specified tags for all selected computers. You can type or select multiple tags. Enter a comma to separate them.

  • Force Update. Forcibly updates selected Agent instances as soon as the selected computers become online. Configure what agent version will be used for update, public or sandbox.

  • Plan Settings Report. Sends backup plan information for selected computers (CSV format) to specified recipient email.

  • Set RMM Alerts. Starts Set RMM Alerts wizard to configure RMM alerts for selected computers.

  • Authorize. Associate an existing or a new user with computers that are not already authorized.

  • Install > Backup/RMM/Connect. Install Backup/RMM/Connect Agent instances on the selected computers as soon as these computers become online.

Manage Computers (Classic User Experience)

You can turn on the new menu in Settings > General. If you prefer to use the classic menu (legacy), this section is intended for you. To access the Remote Management tools, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Computers, select Remote Management.

On this page you can manage all computers.

Select a computer in the grid to manage. Use search and filters to find the required computer.

You can sort computers using the following statuses:

  • Offline. Offline computers are shown first
  • Backup Overdue. Computers with selected operation systems are shown first
  • Backup Failed. Computers with failed backup plans are shown first.

Available actions for online computers:

Available actions for offline computers:

  • Hide the computer from the list

Available RMM group actions for computers selected using search, filtering or by tags:

  • Force Update for Computers. Forcibly update Backup, RMM, or Connect agent instances
  • Apply Configurations to Computers. Deploy backup configurations
  • Plan Settings Report. Retrieve backup plan information in CSV format
  • Install Backup on Computers. Install Backup agent instances
  • Install RMM on Computers. Install RMM agent instances
  • Export to CSV. Export information on computers to a CSV file
  • Show Hidden Computers. Display computers hidden from the list