Change Minimum Retention Period

By default, the minimum storage period in Wasabi is 90 days.

If you are an MSP360 customer and a Wasabi customer at the same time, you are eligible to reduce the minimum data retention period regardless of the pricing model you are using from standard 90 days to 30 days.

To apply for the minimum retention period reduction, contact the Wasabi technical support team with reference that you are an MSP360 customer.

Minimum Retention Period Change Considerations

To avoid early deletion fees, the new 30-day minimum storage duration will apply to new objects 90 days after the change on the Wasabi storage, therefore Intelligent Retention will use 90 days value during this transition period. This affect the number of incrementals for Forever Forward Incremental schedule and the dates of restore points. This means that all existing backups and backups created during transition period will be stored 90 days + number of days specified by retention policy as configured in the backup plan. After the transition period expires, new backups will be stored 30 days + number of days specified by retention policy as configured in the backup plan.

Change Minimum Retention Period in Management Console

As you are informed that the minimum data retention period is reduced to 30 days, configure the minimum storage period for your Wasabi storage account. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. In the Backup, select Storage Accounts (or in the Storage, select Storage Accounts if you use legacy console layout).
  3. Click the gear icon, then select the Minimum Storage Retention.
  4. Set the correct period, then click Save.

  1. Confirm that you are aware about the delat before this change will be applied.

Contact Wasabi support in case of any issues.