Products: Managed Backup (Web)
Article ID: m0429Last Modified: 25-Dec-2024

Authenticate Using API Member

This article explains how to authenticate with a ConnectWise account in the MBS Management Console via API member (recommended).

API Member

API Member is a ConnectWise entity that gives access to a ConnectWise PSA account. API Member usually has restricted access that allows performing different operations through programming API.

Before creating a new API member, however, you first need to create a Security Role that will give the required permissions to an API Member.

  1. Select System, then select Members.

  1. Switch to the API Members tab.
  2. Click +.
  3. Fill in the required fields.
  4. Select the security role created on steps 1-4 and assign it to the API member.

  1. Once you are done, click the Save icon.
  2. Once the API member is created, switch to the API Keys tab.

  1. Create a new pair of API keys. Save them to a safe location.

Note that you will not be able to retrieve API key pair information again, so in case you lose it, you will need to create a new API key pair

Authentication in the Management Console

To authenticate with ConnectWise API member keys in the Management Console, you need to provide three credentials:

  • Member ID. You can find it in the Details tab

  • A public key and a private key. You can find those in the API keys tab

Note that if you create or edit a description, a new pair of public and secret keys is generated

Once you specify all required credentials in the Management Console, click Save.

To check for missing permissions, click Check Member Permissions.