General Console Settings

This chapter describes the available general Management Console settings. For specific settings, refer to the following chapters:

To manage general settings, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. On the Settings menu, select General.
  3. Select the area for the settings you want to change:

Personal Info

If you want to change your personal data, contact email, change expired password, and enable/disable the expired license replacement, proceed as follows:

  1. In the First Name and the Last Name fields, enter your data.
  2. To edit the contact email address, click the icon to the right of the Email field.
  3. If you need to change the password to access the Management Console, click Change password.

  1. Specify the correct time zone. To do this, select the required zone from the drop-down list. You can verify your system time on The World Clock site.
  2. Set the required currency for your bills, reports, and Management Console GUI. To do this select the required currency in the Currency Sign drop-down list.
  3. Configure how to handle your expired license with ** Automatic exchange of expired license with available** option. Turn selector on to change your expired license to available valid license.
  4. Once you are done, click Save to the bottom of the page.


If you want to enable/disable the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), proceed as follows:

  1. To enable or disable the Two-Factor Authentication, click the Enable Two-Factor Authentication button as described in Enable 2FA chapter.

To learn more about the Two-Factor Authentication, refer to the Two-Factor Authentication chapter

  1. To force your administrators to use the Two-Factor Authentication, turn on Force Two-Factor Authentication for All Administrators selector.
  2. You can manage your devices used for authenticayion purposes. Click Show devices list to access your devices.
  3. You can temporarily suppress 2FA for login with ** Keep me signed in for** option. All actions that require 2FA confirmation will not be affected.
  4. To enable or disable the remote access to all computers with Connect (formerly Remote Desktop), select the Use Remote Control by Connect app selector, read the caution, click I understand security risks, then click Enable Connect.

Once you are done, click Save to the bottom of the page.

Additional Emails

You can flexibly configure which emails should be used to send various notifications to:

  1. To edit email addresses, click the appropriate icons to the right of the email fields.
  • Contact Email. This email address is used for notifications and other updates. Emails about custom build generation are sent to this email address.
  • Support Email. This email address is used for technical assistance
  • Accounting Email. This email address is used for bills and other financial mails
  1. Once you are done, click Save to the bottom of the page.


MSP360 Managed Backup Service provides flexible customization and Branding options for your backup agents. This allows you to provide an easy-to-use and efficient cloud backup solution under your own brand.

  1. To navigate to Web Console (Management Console) rebranding, click Configure MBS Branding.
  2. To navigate to Online Agent rebranding, click Set Agent Branding.

To modify your company name (do not confuse with your customer companies in the Organization section) and product name, go to the Branding section.

Once you are done, click Save to the bottom of the page.


If you need to use the Managed Backup API or PowerShell Module, generate/edit the credentials to access API, or access API documentation.

Once you are done, click Save to the bottom of the page.