Sign Up for Microsoft Azure

To start using Managed Backup Service with Microsoft Azure, you need an Azure account. There is the manual describing below how to sign up to Microsoft Azure services and to create a storage account:

  1. Go to the Microsoft Azure website.

  2. Click Start free.

  1. You can either create an entirely new account or log in with your existing Microsoft credentials. Enter your personal information and click Next.

  1. Then, you will need to confirm your identity with a text message and a debit card.

  1. Conclude signing up for Microsoft Azure. Once done, you will be redirected to the Azure Management Portal.

Create Storage Account

To create a storage account, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Azure Management Portal, click Storage accounts in the left sidebar. Then click Add.

  1. You will be redirected to the following screen:

  1. Specify all of the required options and click Create.

Retrieve Access Keys

To start working with Managed Backup Service you need to generate Azure access keys.

In the Azure Management Portal, under your storage account, click Access Keys. Here you can generate keys or use the default ones.

Write down the credentials somewhere; we need them in the MBS Management Console.

Learn how to add storage account into Managed Backup Service.