Microsoft Azure Storage Classes

Azure storage offers different access tiers so that you can store your blob data in the most cost-effective manner based on how it is being used. Azure Storage access tiers include:

  • Hot tier - An online tier optimized for storing data that is accessed or modified frequently. The Hot tier has the highest storage costs, but the lowest access costs.
    • Data that is in active use or is expected to be read from and written to frequently.
    • Data that's staged for processing and eventual migration to the Cool access tier.
  • Cool tier - An online tier optimized for storing data that is infrequently accessed or modified. Data in the Cool tier should be stored for a minimum of 30 days. The Cool tier has lower storage costs and higher access costs compared to the Hot tier.
    • Short-term data backup and disaster recovery
    • Older data sets that are not used frequently, but are expected to be available for immediate access
    • Large data sets that need to be stored in a cost-effective way while additional data is being gathered for processing
  • Archive tier - An offline tier optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed, and that has flexible latency requirements, on the order of hours. Data in the Archive tier should be stored for a minimum of 180 days.
    • Long-term backup, secondary backup, and archival datasets
    • Original (raw) data that must be preserved, even after it has been processed into final usable form
    • Compliance and archival data that needs to be stored for a long time and is hardly ever accessed

Azure Archive storage class is not recommended for image-based backup, disaster recovery files, and large amounts of files. If you need to restore data from such storage to the cloud, it is recommended to restore data locally, and then move the data to the cloud

For more information on Microsoft Azure storage classes, refer to the Microsoft documentation page