Products: RMM Agent
Article ID: m0329Last Modified: 19-Dec-2024

RMM Group Actions

RMM offers a set of group actions that can be applied to your users' computers with flexible configuration and settings. Group Actions require Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled.

Note that group actions (except for the legacy) require the RMM Agent version 1.4 or later installed on target computers

New User Experience

To create and configure a new group action, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. With the new main menu click RMM > New Group Action Task

  1. Proceed with the wizard.

Select Group Action

Select the group action to apply to multiple computers.

Available group actions:

Click Next.

Select Computers or Companies to Apply Group Action

Select a scope to apply the group action. You can apply group action to all your companies, to specific companies, or to specific computers. You can set specific computers to apply group action by tags, assigned to these computers (This feature requires RMM Agent 2.0 or later). You can exclude specified computers from the group action.

Consider, group actions apply only to computers with the RMM Agent installed and Monitoring enabled. To apply these actions to other computers, install RMM Agent instances onto these computers first. You can select computers that are offline at the moment of selection. The action, in this case, will be applied as these computers come online. Click Apply to save your selection.

To set specific computers to apply group action by tags perform the following:

  1. Select Apply to computers with the following tags option on the Apply to step of the RMM Group Action Task wizard.
  2. Click Select tags. Tag-based filtering help you to limit the scope of the task. Task only will be applied to the computer with any of selected tags.

  1. Once the group action task scope is set, click Next.

Configure Group Actions

As you selected computers to apply the group action, configure the action. An example below shows the group script execution from the script library, so the layout of this step is different depending on the action selected on the first step of this wizard.

Click Next.

Schedule Group Action

Specify the schedule for the group action. If you plan to run the action manually, select the No schedule (run manually) option.

Click Next.

Note that if you select the 'No schedule' option, the started group action can be immediately applied to computers that are offline at the moment of the group task creation as they come online. Check whether the the Run missed scheduled tasks immediately when computer starts up option is selected to perform it.

If required, set the schedule for the group action execution. You can set the following schedule options:

  • Run once
  • Specific date (once, daily, or monthly). You can create a recurring schedule. The recurring schedule can be used for a task that takes place on a regular basis (e.g., every Monday and Wednesday from October through December on specific weekday and time).

When you specify the time for the group action execution, remember that the system time of the instance the RMM Agent is installed will be used

Created task is enabled by default. You can disable the task to temporarily postpone the sheduled task runs.

Once you configure the schedule, click Next.

Complete Group Action Creation

Check the task on the Summary step. Once you complete the new group action task configuring, click Create. You will be promplted to confirm the task execution.

Confirm the group action according to selected 2FA verification method.

If you selected the Run Once option, you will be provided with the report of the group task execution in real-time.

Click on the specific computer to view the detailed information on the group task execution.

View and Manage Existing Group Action Tasks

To view and delete the existing group tasks, proceed as follows:

New User Experience

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. With new main menu click RMM > Group Action Tasks

To view the group task details, click the task name in the Task column. You can see task details on General tab.

To view the result of the task, click Last Result tab.

To delete the task, expand the actions to the right of the task to delete, select Delete, then confirm the deletion.

Classic User Experience

  1. Open Management Console.
  2. With the legacy main menu on Computers select Remote Management
  3. To the upper right, click RMM Group Actions.
  4. Select New Group Action Task.

Proceed with the group action wizard.

View and Manage Group Action Tasks with Classic User Experience

  1. Open the Management Console.
  2. With legacy main menu in the Computers menu, select Remote Management.
  3. To the upper right, click RMM Group Actions.
  4. Select Group Action Tasks.

To view the group task details, click the task name in the Task column.

To delete the task, click the trash bin icon to the right of the task to delete, then confirm the deletion.